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Forgotten Dreams

Forgotten Dreams is a universe I developed from 2018-2020, and took up the majority of my creative output during that time period. It is the first real attempt I ever made at creating a fiction world of any sort, and it holds a special place in my heart.

On January 1st, 2022, I published the collected written documents I had regarding Forgotten Dreams, the three unfinished manuscripts I wrote for the story, and all previously released Forgotten Dreams artwork into the public domain. They were published under the Creative Commons CC0 License, so anyone may use the characters as I depicted them in these writings and artworks as you see fit, for any purpose. It is with pleasure I present:

Forgotten Dreams: A Collection of Unfinished Texts

ISBN: 979-8-35345785-5  •  LCCN: 2022904024

Read the manuscript in HTML here: Forgotten Dreams HTML

or, read the PDF here: Forgotten Dreams PDF


Alternatively, check out the PDF and Paperback Manuscript on the Internet Archive.

I mostly made the Amazon Paperback to have my own copies at a cheap price, plus a free ISBN! If you're really daring, you can purchase a copy here: Amazon Paperback

To the extent possible under law, Yamasztuka has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Forgotten Dreams: A Collection of Unfinished Texts. This work is published from the United States.